
Cobe Life Christmas Gifts Top 8

It’s getting close to crunch time!

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By now you have probably walked the equivalent of a half marathon at the mall.  I know I’m beginning to feel like one of the Knights Templar on a Grail quest.  Each year it seems to get a little more difficult to find the right gift.  While the malls seem to get a lot more chaotic.  The reason for this is actually quite simple if take a moment to think about it.  With each thoughtful gift you purchase for someone special.  The next time you purchase a gift for that person, one of the possible items is already off the list.  What was once obvious, has now become obscure.  Should the holiday season be this stressful?  I should hope not.  So in the spirit of giving I’ve decided to put together a list of potential gifts you might have overlooked.  Gifts that will potentially surprise, show consideration, or just make things a little easier for the recipient.  So without any further ado, here’s my list.

The Top 8

1 – Memory card

Digital devices have become an integral part of almost everyone’s lives.  Cellphones, tablets, digital readers, digital cameras, and media players find their way into our pockets, and purses.  There was a time not too long ago that 16gb was more than enough space for anything.  16gb is barely enough for the operating system, some music, your favourite apps, and a few photos on your cellphone these days.  It might seem like a small thing, but a Memory card will definitely be appreciated.

2 – Orthotic insoles

I’ve lived a fair amount of my life with sore feet.  When I was younger I played soccer, ran track, was a street style skateboarder, and snowboarder.  Needless to say I did a significant amount of damage to my feet.  A few years ago I was told that I needed Orthotics.  From the very first step I took with the new insoles I wondered how I could have ever taken a step without them.  The change was so dramatic, and my demeanor so improved that my wife decided to try them.  Although she doesn’t require Orthotics, the improved comfort, and additional support make every day easier.  This is one of the surprise gifts I was talking about.  The recipient might not think much of the gift at first.  Convince them to wear them while fighting through crowds during boxing week, and I guarantee they’ll thank you.

3 – Coffee warmer

Who doesn’t know somebody that really loves their coffee?  For a lot of people, their day doesn’t begin until they’ve had their cup.  These are busy times, and many of us lead busy lives.  In between each satisfying sip of our favourite brew we might be getting ready for work, or already at work getting prepared for our day.  It doesn’t take long for the morning brew to get cold.  So what do we do?  We risk scalding our throats by drinking our first coffee of the day ridiculously fast.  But what if you didn’t have to?  With a coffee warmer on your desk at work or the kitchen table at home.  You could go about your morning routine without worrying the coffee is getting cold.

4 – Cellphone Camera Lens

Unless you are actually on holiday, the chances are slim you have a camera with you.  Well you do have a camera of sorts.  The cameras built into our cellphones have significantly improved over the years.  The picture quality is so good that carrying a traditional camera is almost unnecessary.  Unless you are really after high quality zoom, or macro photography shots.  Well with the addition of a simple clip on lens, small enough to carry in your pocket.  Your cellphone will gain some of the capabilities of a full size camera.  Instagram fans will thank you, and flood your wall with photos.

5 – Sports Cap or Toque

This probably seems obvious to a lot of you.  If you know a true sports fan.  Chances are good that you’ve seen them wearing a Cap or Toque with their team’s logo.  That’s exactly why I wouldn’t consider this an obvious gift.  Why get someone a gift that they already have?  Because they will smile wide and thank you for it. That’s why!  As most of you already know, I’m a true sports fanatic.  As a fan of the Denver Broncos I currently have two Caps, and a Toque.  My father is from the Netherlands so I support their soccer team.  I currently have four Netherlands soccer Caps.  Each one is slightly different, and I wear them all.  This is the one gift on this list that you definitely can’t go wrong with.  When in doubt, get them what they already love.

6 – Touch Screen Gloves

I actually got a pair of these as a gift a couple years ago.  They have quickly become my favourite gloves.  I couldn’t even tell you where my other gloves are.  I know that I have at least five pairs gloves, but my cellphone is so important to me I wouldn’t even consider wearing the others.  The original Touch Screen Gloves were about as simple as can be.  Now there are all sorts of styles to go with any outfit.  Everyone knows someone that could benefit from having a pair of these.

7 – Heated Scarf

Do I own one?  No, it’s definitely not the most masculine of gifts.  Hardcore hipsters aside, a Heated Scarf would be a welcome gift for any woman that has to brave the bitter cold of winter.  Have I tried one?  Yes, for the purposes of this article I figured it was important to get a first hand feel for what it’s like.  Even though I’m in great shape, and a little cold weather doesn’t really bother a man like me.  I found the Heated Scarf to be quite comfortable, and even soothing.  At least for the extremely short period of time that I actually wore it.  Still I can definitely recommend it.

8 – Saxx underwear

A few years ago I saw Saxx underwear for the first time while watching an episode of Dragons’ Den.  Men’s underwear specifically designed with a built in pouch to keep your family jewels from chaffing while playing sports, or just a long day at work.  The idea seemed simple enough, and being an active individual I was intrigued.  A couple years later while shopping I saw them for sale at a retail store for the first time.  I just had to try them so I bought a pair.  Saxx aren’t the most inexpensive of underwear.  One pair of Saxx cost what three pairs of boxer briefs used to cost me.  After wearing that first pair for one day.  I immediately returned to the store and bought the remaining three in my size.  Today the only underwear I wear is Saxx.  That’s how much of a game changer this underwear is to me.  They’ve expanded their lines to include compression sports briefs, and long johns as well.  Before you ask I do have some of both.  I’ve sung their praises to so many people that they should have made me a brand ambassador by now.  If you know an athletic guy, don’t hesitate.  Get him a pair of Saxx.

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By Cobe

I have traveled to so many places, and seen so many things. It only made me realize that I've truly seen so little. My life has been a constant quest to experience anything new. Try anything once should be written on my T-shirt. I have a lot of passions, so I don't remain idle for very long. Somebody get the fire going. I've got stories to tell.