A blessing to be bored
I keep waiting for a new PS4 game to grab my attention and really wow me. For the last few months nothing really has. So today I found myself reaching into the Blu-ray cabinet for an old favourite, Tom Clancy’s The Division. Tell you what, I am damn glad I did. If you haven’t read some of my earlier posts. You might be unaware of the primary reason I waited in line one very early morning to purchase my PS4 on release day. I pre-ordered my PS4 from Futureshop, and although I was practically guaranteed my console provided I arrived before noon. The two games I would get to take home with me weren’t guaranteed. Each game was subject to availability, and the sole reason I wanted a PS4 on day one was to play Tom Clancy’s The Division. Well what I would soon find out is that without any prior warning a number of the day one releases had been delayed. Sony was worried that the significant number of games that had been promised on day one were reduced enough to scare people away from making a purchase. If you ask me they were probably right. I for one wouldn’t have pre-ordered a PS4 if I knew that my first two games would be Need for Speed Rivals and Injustice Gods among us. A couple of truly shitty games in my opinion. I spent the next three months after playing my favourite PS3 games. What made matters worse was the game I truly wanted got delayed multiple times over a couple years.
Would my wish be answered?
When I finally got to play Tom Clancy’s The Division my initial interest and expectations were thankfully met. It remains to this day one of the best designed games I’ve ever played. Even the Dark zone which has had it’s fair share of issues, and balance problems couldn’t ruin it for me because the primary campaign is totally playable and fantastic without it. It has the perfect balance of Story, realism, and arcade elements to make it feel challenging, but remain fun. Graphically it’s stunning. Many open world campaign shooters tend to feel monochromatic. Although the colours are subtle in The Division, they are still very present. The game rewards Players of a high arcade style skill level, but is equally playable by Players that take a more realistic tactical approach. Generally I’m not a big fan of first person or third person shooters. I find them too unrealistic, or chaotic in most cases. Successful franchises like Halo, or Battlefield are probably why so many game designers have chosen to go that way. Tom Clancy’s The Division has moments of intense action which can feel a little chaotic at times, but in doing so never feels unrealistic. The intense, and occasionally over the top sequences fit the story, and serve as a reminder that not all in this world is totally familiar.
If it isn’t obviously apparent to you by now, I’ll just say that I was hooked. I played it as much as I could for a couple months and completed the campaign. Then like most games I’ve truly enjoyed it found it’s way into my Blu-ray cabinet. Expansions were released, but I was already on to something else. Quite a few of my online friends I played The Division with, had already moved on to playing Destiny. Although a marquee game in it’s own right. Destiny was a game that I made a conscious decision to avoid because it seemed to require too much of a time commitment. I prefer solitary games or games that I can enjoy online with 1-3 friends for a few hours every now and then. Destiny just doesn’t fit what I’m looking for out of a game. Although the Division does require groups to complete some of the missions. The majority of the game can be played by yourself, and with a couple friends or strangers online when need be.
There have been a number of updates since the game was originally released. They have managed to improve an already excellent game. Additional gameplay modes, new equipment to be found, and additional areas to explore. Honestly they didn’t have to change a thing for me, but the additions are totally welcome. I had already started a second campaign months ago so I started out a little buffed already. What I wasn’t ready for was how realistic the recoil system was, and how engaging and smart the AI can be. In other words I was rusty and ready to have my ass handed to me. Oh and I definitely did. Should have changed my name to respawn. A few deaths later, and I was back to kicking gang banger ass. It feels good to be back.
If you haven’t played Tom Clancy’s The Division, well now is a great time to give it a try. If you own it like me but haven’t tried it since the most recent updates. I suggest you load it up, and give it a go. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed.