
The Right Angle RA-4 Toronto Fishing

Fishing in the city of Toronto

Living in the center of the city has its advantages.  I’m a five minute walk from St. Clair station.  I can walk to the Eaton Centre in under an hour.  If you are familiar with Toronto, you’ll know that walking south on Yonge street is practically all downhill.  It makes for a very easy walk.  I have access to fantastic restaurants, galleries, theatres, festivals, and other amazing forms of entertainment.  This is supposed to be a fishing Post though.

Unfortunately the amount of conveniently located fishing spots in Toronto is sorely lacking.  Of course if you go out at just the right time of year.  You can get some pretty decent Salmon fishing in on the Don, or Humber Rivers.  If you like fishing for Carp?  I sure as hell don’t.  But if you do, then take a ferry over to Centre island.  Guaranteed you will catch some great sized Carp.

I’ve fished Grenadier Pond, and landed the odd sunfish.  Sorry I didn’t take a picture.  I recently fished Topham Pond.  All I got to show for it was a small catfish.  I actually have a picture of it.  If you would like to see it just send me a request.  I tried Centennial Park Pond in the west end, and came up empty.  I’ve fished all along the Lakeshore.  Sure I’ve landed the occasional fish.  Nothing worth bragging about mind you.  Sounds pretty hopeless doesn’t it?  I should just pack my gear in a car, and head North like everyone else right.

Well not so fast.

There is a spot accessible by TTC that never seems to disappoint.  The Rouge River mouth is a fantastic spot to fish for a number of species.  You can have a fair amount of success fishing from shore.  I’ve landed a number of very nice trout casting from shore.  I generally access the Rouge River by entering through Rouge Park.  There’s an entrance to the park at the Easternmost end of Lawrence Ave.  I’ve caught everything from Trout, Pike, Crappie, Catfish, and Suckers on the Rouge River.

There are a number of shallows, and weed beds to fish along the river mouth that are accessible by canoe, or inflatable.  If you have access to one.  I would suggest trying it for sure.  You will also be able to access some of the deeper water where trophy Salmon, and Trout can be found in late summer to early fall.

Even though I haven’t had much luck fishing many of the Rivers, and Ponds in Toronto.  I still try fishing each one a couple of times each year.  I don’t have to land a trophy fish every time out.  If I felt that way I’d absolutely hate fishing.  A nice calm day on the river making a few casts is enough for me.  Feeling the first rays of the sun warm my face in the morning is almost as satisfying as that first catch.

The days I’m determined to land something that’s picture worthy.  Those are the days I head out to the Rouge.  She’s never let me down.  So if you feel like fishing, but don’t feel like taking a trip out of the city.  Catch the TTC Blue Night, and head on out to the Rouge.


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By Cobe

I have traveled to so many places, and seen so many things. It only made me realize that I've truly seen so little. My life has been a constant quest to experience anything new. Try anything once should be written on my T-shirt. I have a lot of passions, so I don't remain idle for very long. Somebody get the fire going. I've got stories to tell.