
The Gamer in me GL-8 Hearthstone


If you enjoy Collectible Card Games, but rarely find the time to get together with others to play?  Then I would highly recommend that you download the Hearthstone Game Application.  It is as simple to play as the easiest Collectible Card Game.  Despite it’s simplicity it still manages to maintain a fair amount of depth.  For those of you that are relatively new to Card Games.  The Hearthstone learning curve is very short, so it makes for a great place to start.  Hearthstone takes full advantage of it’s Application based play by providing you with Goals, and Challenges to overcome.  Something traditional Card Games aren’t able to offer.

Something else that’s somewhat unique about Hearthstone is the limited card base you are forced to construct your deck from.  I actually found it to be quite challenging to construct a cohesive deck in the beginning.  This actually makes it that much more satisfying when you begin to see your Deck Design come together after playing a few games.  Another bonus for new Players is that Hearthstone can be played entirely for free!  Just by playing, and completing Challenges.  You earn a virtual currency that can be used to purchase packs.  Of course like the majority of Application based Games you can make in app purchases.  Spend some real money, and buy a bunch of packs so you can build stronger decks right away.  As tempting as that may seem.  I personally won’t do it.  The Game selects your opponent by your skill level, and Win-Loss-Tie  record.  So you will generally be matched up against balanced opponents.  I’ve been matched against a few people who have purchased packs, and still managed to defeat a few.  It makes winning all the more sweeter.  Of course I have come across decks that are so stacked.  I really had zero chance of victory.  The odds of playing that particular individual is extremely slim though.  Their Win-Loss-Tie record will quickly place them out of reach.

Unlike many Collectible Card Games, Hearthstone doesn’t suffer from timing issues.  Everything you do happens on your turn.  There is no worry about your opponent interrupting your turn.  You also won’t have to worry about resource management, or “mana hosing”.  Each turn you automatically gain an additional resource point towards playing cards.  When designing a deck from your allotment of cards.  The first step is to decide which of the nine classes you are going to play.  In the beginning you only have access to the Mage class.  You are required to unlock the others in order to play them.  The remaining eight classes are the Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior.  Each class has cards that are specific to it.  All classes also have access to a number of neutral cards that can be used to complete a deck.  Depending on which cards you open in your first few virtual packs.  That will help you determine which classes you should build in the beginning.  As you win games, and complete Challenges more packs can be purchased.  The cards you open will eventually allow you to build competitive decks with all the classes.

Another thing that intrigues me about Hearthstone is not knowing the Card pool.  Sure I could go online, and study lists of all the available cards.  I really don’t see a good enough reason to do so.  I find it more enjoyable to keep that element of surprise.  Every game I play has that pre-release feel to it.  The potential for almost anything to happen.  It’s an element that’s sorely missing from the majority of Collectible Card Games these days.

Being able to play wherever, and whenever is a welcome change.  The average Game is over within 15 minutes.  You don’t require a lot of free time to play.  The game doesn’t penalize you for losing either.  Conceding a game because something unexpected came up isn’t an issue.  Actually some of the Challenges don’t even require you to win matches.  For example one of my previous Challenges required me to defeat 100 minions.  Not a single game transpires without me killing at least a few of them.  As long as I kept playing I would eventually defeat the Challenge.  It’s a game I can’t imagine ever getting bored of. Whether you treat it as a casual distraction, or are determined to master a particular class.  Hearthstone is a game that any fan of Collectible Card Games can enjoy.