
GIGAGOLF TRX Powerslot Irons – The Ongoing Cobe Life Review continues

Still Going Strong

My first two instalments of the Cobe Life Ongoing Review of the GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons focused on what made me choose them in the first place.  The big three reasons were Price, customizability, and Player category.  In this Ongoing review I’m going to focus on the performance, and durability.  There is very little information available on the internet regarding secondary market clubs that isn’t directly coming from the manufacturers.  Sure you can read short customer reviews that follow each product, but for the most part they only provide you with first impressions, and very little detail.  I’m going to not only give you some in depth performance data, but also provide you with how these particular Irons have affected my golf game.

It’s never what it seems at first

I had previously reported that I had experienced a little bit of a distance gain with the Irons.  Well having played over 20 Rounds with them I’ve noticed my average distance with each club slowly regress back to where it had been previously.  This is really nothing new.  The majority of golfers have a tendency to head straight to the Range or a Simulator when they get new equipment to test it out.  You are so excited that your adrenaline is way up, and your goal is to find out how much better these new clubs are than your old set.  As a result you tend to swing a little harder than normal.  Miss hits are dismissed as part of the adjustment period.  When really they occur because you are swinging a little wildly.  I don’t know how many customer reviews I’ve read that contain claims of seeing 10 to 15 yard increases their first time out to the Range.  It would be interesting to see how their claims have changed since.  So the new Irons haven’t really gained me much additional distance. Currently my average distance is only 3 yards longer than my previous set.  It’s my belief the reason for the increase is directly attributed to my quality of strike.  As I had mentioned in my previous review, GigaGolf Irons are fully customizable when you order them including length and lie angle.  It’s these adjustments that have made the most difference with my strike accuracy.  If you follow me on my various Social Media accounts then you’ll know that I switched from Super Game Improvement Irons to the Regular Game Improvement GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons.  There have been positives and negatives to making the switch.  I’ll begin with the negative.  In poor weather conditions like just after a heavy rain when the course gets extremely soft, or after many days of intense heat and the fairways are rock hard; Super Game Improvement Irons have that thick base that generally skips across the surface and helps you make decent contact. The thinner Game Improvement GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons really force you to pick the ball cleanly in those situations.  Now fortunately when you do catch it thin the additional spring in the face does help to advance your ball further than you would expect.  Now the positive; the GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons generate significantly more spin than the Super Game Improvement Irons I was playing with previously.  For the first time I’m able to attack Greens, and not worry about running out the back.  When I make perfect contact I am able to not only hold the Green but even spin the ball back a foot with my 9 Iron!  To be honest I didn’t think I was capable of that.  I average about 2 yards of roll out with my 7 Iron now.  With my previous Super Game Improvement Irons it was closer to 7 yards.  Pin placements that required me to clear a bunker or pond were absolutely impossible for me to stick close.  Now I go after those Pins with confidence.

So what are the results?

The results have been better than anticipated.  The greatest improvement has been in my Greens In Regulation percentage.  Now that I am able to effectively attack Pins my Percentage has gone from a pitiful 12% to as high as 25% this Season.  It currently sits at 22%.  That’s almost double what it used to be.  Something I should mention that isn’t reflected in the stats is the number of times I end up putting from the fringe as well.  Although it isn’t technically a Green in Regulation, landing on the fringe is still an advantageous position.  Which takes me to the next result and that’s the increase in Pars I’ve been able to attain on the course.  My handicap has gone down 5 strokes since the beginning of the Season.  Now I’m a high handicapper so lowering my handicap really only requires minor improvements in my game.  Still every time it goes down a stroke I’m excited.  Of course every Par for a high handicapper like myself practically feels like a birdie so the more the merrier!  As far as performance is concerned I couldn’t be happier.  Anyone looking to replace their Irons would be wise to consider the GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons.  Not because they are great for the price.  Consider them because they simply are great, and you can customize them to fit you perfectly.

Now about the durability

I’ve got to be honest here, I was worried.  If you read the previous review a significant scuff mark had appeared on my Pitching Wedge after only a few Range Sessions.  Quite a lot of golfers are concerned that the materials used by these secondary market manufacturers are substandard.  I had that fear as well.  Especially after the early marks that had appeared on a couple of the Irons.  Well in the case of the GigaGolf TRX Powerslot Irons you can breathe easy.  I’ve played over 20 Rounds of golf and been out to the Range another 20 plus times, and they are about as worn as you would expect any clubs to be.  I went with GigaGolf’s own basic grips because the grips I usually prefer weren’t available through GigaGolf and expected to have to switch them out quickly.  Well I haven’t switched them yet and they feel fine.  I haven’t any rolling or deflection of the face grooves on the Irons, and as I mentioned before they generate excellent spin with full shots.  In fact they bite into the ball so well that soft cover balls like the Q-star or Vice Tour begin to look shredded after only 6 holes.  I thought that given the price I would be satisfied if I was able to play with these clubs for just a few Seasons then that would be fine.  At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if with proper care these Irons perform just as well 5 years from now.


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Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons – An Ongoing Cobe Life Review

Is there a discernable difference?

Those of you that follow me across my many social media platforms.  You’ll know that I spend a fair amount of time researching any product I’m interested in purchasing.  This year one of the items I was most interested in acquiring was a new set of Irons.  My primary concerns were that they be fit to me.  By fit I mean bent to the correct lie angle, and cut to the correct length. I wanted something that was Game improving, but without the chunky topline. Lastly I didn’t want to have to break the bank to buy them.  I found a number of potential sets, but in the end the TRX Power Slot Irons from Giga Golf were the winners. But were they the right choice?

Why did they win?

What really made the difference was their custom design process.  I had been casually fit before at a Golf Town.  I hadn’t gone through their entire fitting process but a representative made suggestions based on my swing, and face contact.  Unless you live in Florida, Giga Golf is strictly a custom online order manufacturer.  Not being able to try the Irons before you purchase them is usually a non starter for me.  Giga Golf understands this and offers a 30 day test period.  That still wasn’t what swayed me.  What their custom design process allows you to do is not only have them bent to the correct lie angle, and cut to length.  You can also select which shaft, and grip combination you prefer.  The only thing that potentially increases the price is the shaft and grip selection.  They don’t charge you anything extra for the lie angle adjustment, and shaft length.  Every other set I had researched would have required an additional cost to get them fit.  The Giga Golf Irons were an absolute steal when you realize that they were anywhere from 40% to 60% cheaper than the OEM companies Irons.

Is quality determined by price?

The greatest fear when buying something that’s cheap is that it’s just that, CHEAP!  I received my set of Irons in the middle of Canadian winter.  So it wasn’t like I was going to get out on a course with them any time soon.  Instead I took them to the simulator for initial testing.  What I learned the first few times out to the simulator is this.  I’m 5’10” 200lbs athletic build so it didn’t require a lot of adjustment to fit the Irons to me.  They are half an inch shorter, and one degree more upright than my original off the rack set.  My swing didn’t feel all that different, but the strain on my body was significantly reduced.  I didn’t suddenly stripe every shot like some people hope will happen when you get fit.  My face contact was significantly improved though.  Was I pleased with my purchase at that time.  I definitely was!  After hitting 100 balls my shoulders weren’t sore.  I didn’t hit so many shots out of the heel.  My confidence with my Irons was greatly improved.  But would I feel the same way once the snow melted, and I finally got to play them out on a course?

Finally got to play a Round of Golf

The weather finally held for a few days, and on April 23, 2018 I finally got to play with my new Irons on a course.  I was pumped!  For those of you that live in warmer climates.  You have no idea what kind of personal torture Canadian winter can be to a dedicated Golfer. So you understand I’m going to preface this story with the knowledge that I didn’t play particularly well that day.  To say that I played like shit, wouldn’t be fair to shit.  For the first time out in a Season though it’s nothing new.  I go through it every year.  My Tee shots were so bad, that by the ninth hole I started to experiment with not using a Tee.  I’m sure some of you have been there.  Usually my second shot gets me out of trouble.  Not that day.  That whole Round of Golf would have been forgettable if it wasn’t for my approach shots from 150 yards and in.  In other words, my Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons made what was becoming a terrible day, at least bearable.  Two best clubs in the bag that day were my 6 Iron, and 9 Iron.  I did chunk a 6 Iron really bad once.  You know when you chunk it so bad that you feel the reverberation all the way down to your toes?  Well it didn’t actually hurt too bad.  I went with the True Temper Featherlight steel shafts, and that chunk shot could have been an advertisement for the quality.  It had snowed the week before so I was expecting a mushy course.  Full marks to Hidden Lake Golf In Burlington Ontario for having the course well ready for play.  There was some snow left in a few spots but it wasn’t a factor.  Still every club got dirty, and the TRX Power Slot Irons were as easy to clean as any of the rest.  I was playing Srixon Q-star balls that day and judging by the Pitch marks, and scuff marks.  The Giga Golf Irons were generating a lot of spin.  I had seen some good spin numbers in the simulator.  Until you experience the real on course results you never know.  I wasn’t disappointed at all.  Unlike the Super Game Improvement Irons I had before, I could really attack flag positions.   Hopefully my next time out I’ll be on my game, and take full advantage of the stopping power.

Durability concerns

The only negative thing i have to report is that after about 6 times in the Simulator, 1 trip out to the Range, and 1 Round of Golf.  The shiny toe on the face of my Pitching Wedge has a noticeable scuff mark.  Now for some people that’s an insignificant thing.  Irons get scuffed up.  It’s just a matter of time.  Still this was quick.  At this point I can’t tell if it’s the result of the steel Giga Golf uses, or if it was just a bad Range ball that caused it.  As the Season continues I’ll have more information for you.  I’ve read a number of reviews about the black steel Giga Golf Irons that raised concerns about the finish.  Maybe that’s all it is.  A thin finish will scuff quickly.  As long as the performance isn’t affected it won’t bother me.






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Giga Golf TRX Irons testing – A Beginner’s Opinion

A full month and counting

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)


I’ve  had the Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons with a standard length True Temper Feather Flight Firm shaft for just over a month now.  As a resident of Toronto Ontario Canada, weather has prevented me from hitting them outdoors so all of my testing has been in simulators thus far.  Although this is still a limited sample size in a very controlled environment.  I’ve been able to make a few interesting conclusions.


I have tested many Super Game Improvement, and Game Improvement Irons over the last few years.  This has provided me with a very good understanding of how far i can effectively hit a 7 Iron.  Worst case scenario is around 138 yards, and my personal best average is 151 yards.  The Giga Golf TRX Irons preformed admirably.  My average distance with the TRX 7 Iron is 145 yards.  Only 6 yards less than my personal best which was achieved with the Srixon Z355 7 Iron.  It’s important to note that the Srixon 355 Irons set averaged out to $125/Iron, and the Giga Golf TRX Irons were only $50/Iron.  Both Irons are 37 inches long, but the TRX 7 Iron has a one degree stronger loft at 30 degrees.  Although peak heights during testing were the same.  6 yards might seem like a lot to some people, but provided your gapping is good the shorter total distance has very little affect on your game.  Overall my distance with the Giga Golf TRX Irons is better than the majority of clubs I’ve tested.


In the grand scheme of things, dispersion is far more significant to me when evaluating Irons.  My set includes 6 Iron down which for me act as my scoring clubs.  I’m not the longest hitter so I leave myself a lot of 6 or 7 Iron approach shots into Greens.  The tighter my shot dispersion is, the closer i am to the Pin on average.  The Giga Golf TRX Irons have really shined in this area.  My previous set of Irons were Super Game Improvement Irons from Adams.  Although they were very easy to hit.  Controlling the shot dispersion with those Irons wasn’t easy.  With the Adams Idea Tech V4 7 Iron I had about an 18 yard dispersion.  With the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron I have an average total dispersion of only 9 yards.  Reducing my average total dispersion by 50% can be the difference between a Green in Regulation, or landing in a Greenside bunker.  To be honest I haven’t kept detailed records of the shot dispersions of all of the 7 Irons I’ve tested.  I can tell you that the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron shot dispersion is 3 yards better than what I achieved with the Srixon Z355 7 Iron though.  Whether it’s as a result of the increased distance with the Srixon 7 Iron, or better face impact with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron I can’t be sure.  For the time being I’m more than impressed with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron performance.


As i mentioned earlier my previous set of Irons were the Adams Idea Tech V4 Super Game Improvement Irons.  As such they were incredibly forgiving.  Shots made from all over the club face travelled relatively far. My average total distance with the Adams Idea Tech V4 7 Iron was 140 yards.  Impacts out of the toe were only about 4 yards shorter.  Impacts out of the heel were only a touch worse averaging 6 yards shorter.

The Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron isn’t as forgiving.  Shots out of the toe and heel are around 10 yards shorter.  Practically a full club shorter for most golfers.  Again this might sound terrible considering how many companies tout increased forgiveness as a feature.  What you need to understand is that with increased forgiveness comes a decrease in feel.  For the first time I’m able to notice when I’ve made poor contact.  This has led to me developing a more consistent strike as a result.  Although my suspicions haven’t been totally confirmed.  I’m beginning to believe that Super Game Improvement Irons help you score better but don’t actually improve your game. Whereas Game Improvement Irons do exactly what their designation suggests.  They actually do help to improve your game.  I wouldn’t be surprised if after a full season playing with the Giga Golf TRX Irons that my center face strike consistency is significantly better.


Generally speaking Super Game Improvement Irons and Game Improvement Irons don’t spin at a high rate.  Most manufacturers intentionally reduce the Spin in order to increase total distance.  The only Game Improvement Irons I’ve tested that have affectively kept a high spin rate while offering increased distance are the Wilson C200s.

I was expecting the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron to have a low spin rate due to it’s relatively strong loft of 30 degrees.  If you have read my previous post on selecting the right Game Improvement Irons you’ll know that anything over 4500 rpm is considered high for me.  I averaged 5200 rpm with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron. That’s an impressive result for me.  My only explanation for the high spin results is the combination of lie, offset, and swing weight.  I have a shallow swing path naturally but the TRX Power Slot Irons have a slightly more upright lie angle which has steepened my angle of attack to the ball.  The increased Spin has limited the amount of roll out which is why my total distance is reduced.  I’m sure it contributes to the smaller dispersion as well.

So far so good

It’s far too early to report on product durability so I’ll leave that for another time.  Turf interaction will have to wait for warmer weather so that will come later as well.  For what it’s worth though, if you play a lot of golf in a Simulator I would have a difficult time suggesting anything other than the Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons for the money.  They perform as well as anything I’ve tested for a fraction of the price.




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Giga Golf Irons – A Beginner’s Opinion

First Impressions of Giga Golf Clubs

Like pretty much every other Golf enthusiast on a budget I’ve looked into the possibility of playing clone, or custom small manufacturers clubs.  After extensive research of a number of brands I decided to give Giga Golf Irons a chance.  Some key factors that went into my decision were their direct from manufacturer approach, custom club assembly, and ease of contact.  I was actually able to speak with the President of the company Robert Wilson before making a purchase.  They also offer an online Efit system for getting your clubs fit for your body size.  Although it isn’t a foolproof method, it should work for most.  I already knew my proper sizing, and the Efit method confirmed it so it would have worked for me.  As a lefty my choices were limited, but fortunately they did have a game Improvement Iron that seemed suitable.  Their manufacturing facility is located in Florida.  Even though I was having the clubs custom built, and I placed the order on the 19th of December.  The clubs arrived at my door in Toronto, Ontario nine days later.  Needless to say I was very impressed with the speed my order was fulfilled.

Love at First Sight

Upon opening the box that contained my new Irons I was pleasantly surprised.  To be fair I wasn’t expecting to be impressed with the looks of the TRX Power Slot Irons.  A set including five Iron through Pitching Wedge without any shaft or grip upgrades comes out to only $225 Canadian including delivery.  Compare that to the Taylormade, and Srixon Irons sets I was looking at that were $500+.  Expecting them to be aesthetically pleasing, and function well seemed like too much to hope for.  Even the pictures on the Giga Golf website appeared a bit cheesy looking.  Seeing them up close for the first time.  The subtle style touches, thin topline, and mixture of reflective and matt surfaces look great.  If these Irons perform half as well as advertised I’ll be more than satisfied.  The suggested shafts by True Temper look great, and even their basic grip by Sensatec in midsize feels good.  Giga Golf does offer a number of grip upgrades by Golf Pride, Lamkin, and Winn but my preferred grip wasn’t one of them so I decided to go with their basic grip at no additional charge.  If it doesn’t perform well I can just regrip the clubs later.  Giga Golf allows you to order clubs individually so I only ordered the 6 Iron, 7 Iron, 8 Iron, 9 Iron, and Pitching Wedge.  As a High handicapper I believe that the best combination of clubs in the bag include Hybrid Clubs.  My current set includes a 3 Hybrid, 4 Hybrid, and 5 Hybrid so I didn’t require the 5 Iron.  Removing the one club saved me around $25.

An Ongoing Review of Giga Golf Irons

You would expect that with all of the information available on the internet you could find a review of Giga Golf Irons that included Carry and total Distance numbers, Spin rpms, and Launch angles.  Well you can’t.  Sure there are unboxing videos, and product information reviews but those don’t really tell you how good their clubs may actually be.  Not only will I be testing these Irons on the course, but I’ll also get you all of the numbers in a Simulator.  What you have probably been craving for most is direct comparisons of Giga Golf Clubs against the top manufacturers.  Well I’ll have that too!  So be sure to Subscribe to my Blog, and YouTube Channel to finally learn how much of a difference the Top manufacturers equipment gains you.

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)
