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Giga Golf TRX Irons testing – A Beginner’s Opinion

A full month and counting

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)


I’ve  had the Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons with a standard length True Temper Feather Flight Firm shaft for just over a month now.  As a resident of Toronto Ontario Canada, weather has prevented me from hitting them outdoors so all of my testing has been in simulators thus far.  Although this is still a limited sample size in a very controlled environment.  I’ve been able to make a few interesting conclusions.


I have tested many Super Game Improvement, and Game Improvement Irons over the last few years.  This has provided me with a very good understanding of how far i can effectively hit a 7 Iron.  Worst case scenario is around 138 yards, and my personal best average is 151 yards.  The Giga Golf TRX Irons preformed admirably.  My average distance with the TRX 7 Iron is 145 yards.  Only 6 yards less than my personal best which was achieved with the Srixon Z355 7 Iron.  It’s important to note that the Srixon 355 Irons set averaged out to $125/Iron, and the Giga Golf TRX Irons were only $50/Iron.  Both Irons are 37 inches long, but the TRX 7 Iron has a one degree stronger loft at 30 degrees.  Although peak heights during testing were the same.  6 yards might seem like a lot to some people, but provided your gapping is good the shorter total distance has very little affect on your game.  Overall my distance with the Giga Golf TRX Irons is better than the majority of clubs I’ve tested.


In the grand scheme of things, dispersion is far more significant to me when evaluating Irons.  My set includes 6 Iron down which for me act as my scoring clubs.  I’m not the longest hitter so I leave myself a lot of 6 or 7 Iron approach shots into Greens.  The tighter my shot dispersion is, the closer i am to the Pin on average.  The Giga Golf TRX Irons have really shined in this area.  My previous set of Irons were Super Game Improvement Irons from Adams.  Although they were very easy to hit.  Controlling the shot dispersion with those Irons wasn’t easy.  With the Adams Idea Tech V4 7 Iron I had about an 18 yard dispersion.  With the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron I have an average total dispersion of only 9 yards.  Reducing my average total dispersion by 50% can be the difference between a Green in Regulation, or landing in a Greenside bunker.  To be honest I haven’t kept detailed records of the shot dispersions of all of the 7 Irons I’ve tested.  I can tell you that the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron shot dispersion is 3 yards better than what I achieved with the Srixon Z355 7 Iron though.  Whether it’s as a result of the increased distance with the Srixon 7 Iron, or better face impact with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron I can’t be sure.  For the time being I’m more than impressed with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron performance.


As i mentioned earlier my previous set of Irons were the Adams Idea Tech V4 Super Game Improvement Irons.  As such they were incredibly forgiving.  Shots made from all over the club face travelled relatively far. My average total distance with the Adams Idea Tech V4 7 Iron was 140 yards.  Impacts out of the toe were only about 4 yards shorter.  Impacts out of the heel were only a touch worse averaging 6 yards shorter.

The Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron isn’t as forgiving.  Shots out of the toe and heel are around 10 yards shorter.  Practically a full club shorter for most golfers.  Again this might sound terrible considering how many companies tout increased forgiveness as a feature.  What you need to understand is that with increased forgiveness comes a decrease in feel.  For the first time I’m able to notice when I’ve made poor contact.  This has led to me developing a more consistent strike as a result.  Although my suspicions haven’t been totally confirmed.  I’m beginning to believe that Super Game Improvement Irons help you score better but don’t actually improve your game. Whereas Game Improvement Irons do exactly what their designation suggests.  They actually do help to improve your game.  I wouldn’t be surprised if after a full season playing with the Giga Golf TRX Irons that my center face strike consistency is significantly better.


Generally speaking Super Game Improvement Irons and Game Improvement Irons don’t spin at a high rate.  Most manufacturers intentionally reduce the Spin in order to increase total distance.  The only Game Improvement Irons I’ve tested that have affectively kept a high spin rate while offering increased distance are the Wilson C200s.

I was expecting the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron to have a low spin rate due to it’s relatively strong loft of 30 degrees.  If you have read my previous post on selecting the right Game Improvement Irons you’ll know that anything over 4500 rpm is considered high for me.  I averaged 5200 rpm with the Giga Golf TRX 7 Iron. That’s an impressive result for me.  My only explanation for the high spin results is the combination of lie, offset, and swing weight.  I have a shallow swing path naturally but the TRX Power Slot Irons have a slightly more upright lie angle which has steepened my angle of attack to the ball.  The increased Spin has limited the amount of roll out which is why my total distance is reduced.  I’m sure it contributes to the smaller dispersion as well.

So far so good

It’s far too early to report on product durability so I’ll leave that for another time.  Turf interaction will have to wait for warmer weather so that will come later as well.  For what it’s worth though, if you play a lot of golf in a Simulator I would have a difficult time suggesting anything other than the Giga Golf TRX Power Slot Irons for the money.  They perform as well as anything I’ve tested for a fraction of the price.




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Beginner Golf Focus – Beginner’s guide to Golf

The key to improving at Golf

I’m in my second full Season as a Golf enthusiast.  It was August of 2015 that I played my first full Round of Golf at Centennial Golf course in Etobicoke.  To say that I sucked would be a gross understatement.  I probably shot 140 that day and went through about 7 Golf Balls.  What I will remember most about that day was the great Putt I made on the 12th Hole, and the amazing Drive I made on the final Hole.  As much as I would like to score well each and every time I go out.  Golf is also a game of amazing moments.  Do you think I’d be disappointed if I shot 40 over, but made a Hole in one that day?  It would probably go down as one of the most memorable Rounds of Golf I’ve ever played.  The final score wouldn’t bother me at all.  This article is about scoring though.  In only two full Seasons of Canadian Golf I’ve gone from a total hack to a Bogey Golfer.  In other words I have earned myself through a lot of work an eighteen handicap.  To clarify, because a lot of Amateur Golfers are unclear of what a handicap actually means.  An eighteen handicap means that on my best day I should finish a Round of Golf 18 strokes over par.  On a Par 70 course I realistically average between 26, and 36 strokes over par.  I have a tendency to really blow it on a couple of Holes and that’s why my score ends up being that high.  Playing a solid mistake free Round has become my current goal.

How to play mistake free?

The key to reducing your handicap is the same for you, as it is for me.  You need to focus on the things that are totally in your control.  I’m sure a few of you are thinking wait a minute it’s Golf.  There’s nobody tackling you, or checking you.  You don’t even have an opponent really.  Everything is totally under your control.  Well you would be wrong.

You can attempt to make center face contact with the ball every swing but it won’t happen.  You can attempt to hit a power draw, or a baby fade whenever the situation calls for it but it won’t always happen.  You can attempt to hit every approach shot with enough backspin to have it hold the Green but there’s no guarantee that you will even hit the Green.  Here’s the good news though.  You can control how you grip each club every time.  You can set yourself up with the ball a specific distance away from you, and further forward or back in your stance every time.  You can duplicate how far, and how fast you make your backswing with every club.  You can find the ball that feels right for you, and play only that ball so every putt feels the same.

Small things add up to becoming a better Golfer.

It would probably surprise you how much a consistent grip will improve your game.  Your grip helps determine how your swing will feel throughout rotation around your body.  Swing plane is partially determined by your grip.  Resistance at the top of your backswing is partially determined by your grip.  Club face release through contact is also affected by your grip.  I would slice every shot to some degree in the beginning.  It wasn’t until I developed a consistent grip that I was able to control it.  Any corrections you make before you’ve settled on a particular grip are only temporary.  So first things first, find your grip.   Knowing the correct distance to stand from the ball at set up takes time.  It took me about 12 months of playing to really figure it out.  It’s natural to want to stand far enough away that simply swinging your arms back around you, and then forward through the target makes contact.  Most Beginners, myself included start this way.   Standing that far away will cause a number of swing faults.  Making neutral face (not open or closed) contact with the ball  becomes almost impossible.  The amount of sidespin generated at impact is greatly increased.  It becomes far more difficult to hit out of rough lies.  Standing closer to the ball creates a more vertical swing plane.  Essentially correcting all of the issues I just listed.  It will feel uncomfortable at first because a proper swing will require far more body rotation the closer you are to the ball.  Begin practicing at the Range standing a little closer to the ball.  It won’t take long before you begin to see a significant improvement in ball flight, and target consistency.  If you were to break down a Golf swing into two parts.  It would be the backswing, and forward swing.  Of the two, the backswing is obviously the easiest.  When I first got into Golf I’d attempt to generate power through the backswing.  My backswing was about 75% as fast as my forward swing.  Nowadays my backswing is about 15% as fast as my forward swing.  My accuracy, and quality of contact is probably 5 times better than it used to be.  The faster your backswing, the more likely you are to become unbalanced, or make poor contact with the ball.  I’d rather hit my 7 Iron 140 yards straight 90% of the time.  Instead of hitting my 7 Iron 155 yards straight 25% of the time.  The only thing you really lose by hitting the ball straight, but 10 to 15 yards shorter is distance.  Really though the only distance you are sacrificing is off your longest clubs.  If your target is 150 yards away then just use your 6 Iron instead.  Maybe your playing partner can hit their 4 Iron 200 yards.  Well good for them.  Doesn’t bother me to pull my 3 Wood out of the bag to achieve the same.  Always use the same ball! 

I can’t stress this enough.  The difference it will make when putting is reason enough.  If you haven’t selected a ball yet read my Golf Ball selection Starting from Scratch SS-10

Play within your ability

This is probably the most difficult aspect of the game of Golf for me.  It’s actually the one thing that we are all able to control from day one.  Resisting the urge to attempt shots that I have no business trying is one of the most difficult things for me to do.  Everybody wants to make that hero shot.  If you actually want your scores to improve?  Don’t waste your time trying to hit draws out of the rough around trees to hopefully make the Green.  Do the smart thing and just punch out on to the Fairway.  Playing within your limits isn’t just about trying to make hero shots.  It’s also about knowing what you are capable of from the very start.  I used to attempt to make a Green in Regulation on every Hole.  Even if it meant having to make potentially dangerous shots to do it.  For instance on a 390 yard Par 4 with a tight Fairway.  I would consider using Driver strictly based on distance.  If the landing area seemed too small I would take one club less and go with the 3 Wood off the Tee.  Landing in a Tight Fairway with my 3 Wood is a very low percentage play for me.  Even if I hit a perfect Drive.  I’d still leave myself with about 180 yards to the Pin.  Most Greens are protected by Hazards.  Bunkers at best, water or thick Woods at worst.  Expecting to land on the Green, and stick it close from 180 yards out is ludicrous.  Trying to play a Hole like that would usually go something like this.  Tee off with the 3 Wood, and miss the Fairway left by around 20 feet.  Second shot out of the rough at a terrible angle to the Green with the 3 Hybrid.  Hit it about 170 yards, and land about 30 yards right of the Green.  Third shot out of the deep rough with the 56 degree Wedge.  Hit a flyer that clears the Green, and lands in the bunker on the opposite side.  Shots four and five to successfully exit the bunker.  Shot six is a short chip on to the Green with my 52 degree Wedge. So much for the Green in Regulation right. Finally on the Green I end up two putting for quadruple bogey.  Definitely not the score you are looking for on a Par 4!  It’s taken me a long time but I have finally learned to play within my ability.  The way I play that same Hole goes something like this now.  Tee off with my 5 Hybrid landing on the left side of the Fairway 165 yards out.  Instead of trying to hit a hero shot on or close to the Green.  For my second shot I’d choose to hit my 7 Iron 135 yards down the Fairway.  This leaves an easy 90 yard shot with my 52 degree Wedge on to the Green.  Sure I never had a chance at getting that Green in Regulation.  What I have done is avoid any real danger.  I land my Wedge shot on the front edge of the Green.  Then two putt for bogey.  A difference of three strokes!  Sure my chances at Birdie are close to null.  So what.  I’ve actually one putted for Par many times in similar situations because the approach shot from within 100 yards is so easy.

Do yourself a favor, and focus on the few things within your control the next time you are out at the course, or on the Range.  Your handicap, and your enjoyment of the game will definitely improve.

Beginner’s guide to Golf


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The Golf Equipment lie – Beginner’s guide to Golf

The whole truth

I am very precise about equipment selection.  I am not one to buy into all the hype new equipment releases are surrounded with.  First hand testing, customer feedback, and a proven record of success mean far more to me.  You won’t see me wearing Beats headphones simply because they’re popular.  Truth be told Beats headphones are average at best.  If you want great sounding headphones that really add some dynamic sound.  The most important feature to look for is a low impedance.  The Sennheiser Momentum earphones absolutely annihilate the Beats Studio earphones in that category, and many others.  Don’t just buy into the hype if actual performance is important to you.  Some of you might be doubting the validity of my opinion.  Well I’m not just a fan of electronics.  I’m a Cedia certified electronics technician.  I’ve worked for a number of Electronics retailers including Futureshop, 2001 Audio Video, The Source, HiFi City, and Bay Bloor Radio in positions ranging from Sales Associate, to Head systems installer, to Store Manager.  Trust me when I tell you that I know what I’m talking about.  I was questioned by a number of people why I didn’t choose to add electronics to my categories on Cobe Life.  Truth is that the internet is already full of information from well qualified individuals on the subject.  Cobe Life is about my hobbies, not my career.

The Golf Equipment Lie

In an attempt to keep Golfers constantly upgrading their equipment.  The Golf industry has been carefully attaching very restrictive labels to certain equipment categories.  Over the last few years the number of categories has increased.

Category – Super Game Improvement Stigma      – Newbie, Hacker

Category –  Game Improvement      Stigma      –  Amateur, Casual player

Category –  Player Improvement           Stigma      – Mid to Low Handicapper

Category – Player Tour level                         Stigma      – Scratch Golfer

This perceived classification has led to an increased number of Players choosing to use the wrong equipment.  For instance consider a Mid handicapper that hits a very low trajectory ball flight.  Instead of purchasing a Player Improvement 3 Hybrid or Long Iron.  This particular Player would probably benefit from the purchase of a Game Improvement, or Super Game Improvement Hybrid.  The reason I would suggest this is because generally those categories are designed to provide a higher launch.  The additional increase in launch angle should help carry the ball further with lower lofted clubs.  For somebody with a naturally low ball flight.  The end result should be an increase in Carry distance, a more predictable landing zone, and better gapping between clubs.  The sad reality in this example is that this Mid handicapper probably wouldn’t even consider what’s best for them.  Pulling a club from their bag that’s for a Newbie is beneath them.  Why someone would completely ignore technology designed to improve their game is the Golf industries greatest deceit.   Think about it.  Would you judge someone for driving a Lamborghini Aventador because it doesn’t come with a manual transmission?  The reason it doesn’t is because precise gear changes during rapid acceleration, or braking is impossible with a traditional Standard transmission.  In simpler terms they made driving a high performance sports car easier.  Generally speaking that is the goal of new technology.  To make things easier.  Technological advances in Golf have done just that.  Made the game of Golf easier.  Originally these advances we’re meant to entice players to buy new equipment.  During the Tiger era when Golf was experiencing a boom it worked.  The problem started when sales began to decline.

Can a Golf club be too good?

To answer this question we need to ask ourselves why we buy new clubs in the first place?  The three most significant reasons we buy new clubs are because our current clubs are worn out, we feel we require a specific club for a certain utility, or poor performance from our current clubs.  I’d say that the strongest reason of those three is poor performance.  It takes many Rounds of Golf to wear out your clubs.  You may occasionally have to replace Wedges because the faces are worn.  The other clubs in your bag will last a long time.  Once you’ve been playing for a couple years you will have assembled a full 14 club set that includes every club your game requires.  Once that’s done, buying a club for a specific utility is done as well.  What gets me, and most of you to our local Golf equipment store to test new clubs is poor performance.  As a Beginner it’s easy to end up purchasing clubs that might not suit you.  As your swing develops.  Your stance, swing path, ball position, and flight path will change as well.  The clubs you thought were right for you in the beginning, could feel wrong to you after a few months.  Brands use different lofts, and kick points for their clubs.  Different brands use different shaft lengths.  Some companies prefer to build in a natural Draw bias to their clubs.  What suits each individual is entirely different.  So in the beginning don’t be surprised if you end up changing some, or even all of your clubs at some point.

What if you weren’t a Beginner when the first major advancements to forgiveness, and launch started happening.  When you purchased your first set of Cavity back Irons with perimeter weighting, and a flexible face.  The larger sweet spot, and increased distance these clubs added was significant.  In fact it was so significant that Golfers became something that they rarely ever are.  Satisfied!  An established Golfer had a complete set so buying a club for utility purposes was out.  Poor performance was no longer an issue with these newer clubs.  That left the only reason to buy new clubs was when your current set wore out.

Industry panic sets in.

You can be damn sure that waiting for their customers clubs to wear out wasn’t an option for the manufacturers, and retailers.  Thus began the Category to Player system.  The only way to get established Golfers to give up playing their current equipment.  The manufacturers, and retailers had to convince Golfers that they were better than the equipment they were currently using.  This had an added benefit.  It allowed them to market the easiest clubs to use to total Beginners.  This would significantly reduce the learning curve of a traditionally difficult game.  Which in turn would fuel a Beginner Golfer to want to “upgrade” to a more advanced set of clubs sooner.  By the time the average Player decides to switch from Game Improvement to Player Improvement.  Their playing ability allows them to slightly overcome the disadvantages of playing with more difficult to hit clubs.  Their handicap may actually suffer a little bit, but reverting back to “Amateur” clubs feels like accepting mediocrity.  Does sound counterproductive to you?  It does to me.  If you’re a car enthusiast then you’ll know that electric cars are the performance cars of the future.  Teslas already own the drag strips across North America.  There’s been a fair amount of resistance to them.  They don’t sound like muscle cars.  They don’t look like muscle cars.  All they do is reach the finish line first.  Well if you were in a race.  Isn’t finishing first the goal?  I’ll tell you right now when I landed a 185 yard par 3 Tee shot about 6 feet from the hole with my 6 Hybrid.  Nobody discounted the achievement because I was using a Super Game Improvement club.  When a good friend of mine got his first hole in one with his Adams Blue 9 Iron.  The group playing with him didn’t care what club he used.  They were just happy to be there to see it.

Pay attention to what the PGA, LPGA, and Champions tour Players are playing.  You might be surprised how many Game Improvement clubs you see.  Jordan Spieth actually plays Titleist 716 AP2 Irons.  Jordan Spieth! So if you have a shiney new set of Player Irons in your set then you must strike it purer than Jordan.

Do yourself a favour, and ignore the industry labels.  Buy what’s right for your game, and cross that finish line first.

Beginner’s guide to Golf



Proper Practice for Beginners – Beginner’s guide to Golf

Beginner Practice

(If you haven’t read my previous Starting from Scratch posts, I strongly suggest that you do)

Hopefully some of my suggestions have already helped you improve.  By this time you should be on your way to developing a repeatable Iron swing.  You should have a Putter that suits your swing.  If you have begun playing courses, you’ll know which parts of your game are lacking.

Now it’s time to improve.  Develop Practice routines that will truly make a difference.  I have two practice routines that have made the greatest difference for my game.  The first form of practice requires having a putting mat.  I was given an old one by a friend.  I usually take it out, and set it up in front of my TV screen.  During commercials, or while watching the Golf channel I will occasionally sink a few putts.  Over the length of a PGA broadcast I’ll easily hit 50 putts.  The majority of my putts are from around seven feet.  I will mimic distances I see pros attempt during a PGA event though.  So if Sergio Garcia needs to sink a short five footer to save Par.  Well so will I.  This type of practice helps me accomplish two things.  First of all it really helps me dial in my putting stroke.  Secondly I get so used to seeing my putts roll in from seven feet.  My confidence on the course when hitting putts from ten feet or closer is off the charts.  Five feet or closer starts to feel like a gimme.  Before I had the putting mat to practice on.  Any putt outside of three feet had me nervous.

The second form of practice that has seriously lowered my scores is Chipping.  Specifically short chips from about thirty feet or closer.  Lets be honest as Beginners.  No matter how perfect your angle to the Green may look.  More often than not your approach shot isn’t going to end up on the Green.  Being able to successfully chip one close to the PIN will make a huge difference in your final score.  If you are able to get it close enough to give yourself a decent opportunity to one putt.  You can turn a missed Green in Regulation to a solid Par.  A lot of driving ranges will have a practice area for Chipping.  If you don’t have a location that’s close, then just do what I do.  Grab a couple of Wedges, and a few balls.  Find a secluded spot in a nearby park.  I live in midtown Toronto, and I’ve found parks within walking distance that had enough space for 50 yard Wedge shots.  Granted I had to go early in the morning to hit 50 yards.  I have practiced hitting flop shots over a park bench in the middle of the day.  I even had my own little gallery of onlookers cheering me on.  For the most part people aren’t offended by someone practicing their golf game.  In most cases they’re interested.  I even had a passerby help me with my ball position when hitting Flop shots.  Just remember to be respectful of the space.  Don’t risk hitting anyone or anything, and repair any divots you take.

Beginner’s guide to Golf



Building your Golf set – Beginner’s guide to Golf

Assembling your first Golf set

(if you haven’t read my previous Starting from Scratch posts, I strongly suggest that you do)

Hopefully you have done your homework.  If you haven’t read it already.  Take a moment to read my Starting from Scratch SS-3  post.  It will properly prepare you to begin Assembling your first Golf set.

Golf clubs can be separated into 4 categories.  Super Game Improvement, Game Improvement, Player Improvement, and Tour clubs in order of easiest to hit to most difficult.  If you are only interested in becoming a casual golfer then I would suggest buying a complete Game Improvement set from Canadian Tire, or Walmart.  For the most part everything these stores offer are in the Game Improvement category.  They generally include a full selection of clubs from Sand Wedge all the way up to Driver.  Plus they aren’t going to break the bank.  Don’t sleep on the technology that goes into these sets either.  The majority of these sets are inspired by the top companies previous designs from a few years back.  Keep in mind that a popular set which can be found at big box stores is the Strata set.  It’s actually made by Calloway.  Wilson has some great entry-level mass market sets.  You will probably come across some Dunlop sets as well, and they are made by the same company that makes Srixon.  No one is going to judge you for playing any of those.  Buy one of these sets and you are ready to go.  Just head out to the range and start swinging.  As an added bonus the big box stores have excellent return policies.  If the set you picked doesn’t feel right.  Just take it back to the store and pick another.  You really can’t go wrong, or can you?

If you are a serious golfer the mass market sets can work for you as well.  In this case I would suggest choosing a set that includes two or more Hybrid clubs, and possibly buying an additional Putter.  Now if you are an obsessive golfer like me I would suggest a different route.  As an obsessive golfer you should already know your top 3 current irons through simulator testing.  If your budget allows.  Head back to your local store and swing your top 3 irons a few more times until you’ve reached a winner.  Then select the Hybrid/Irons combination set, and get fit for them.  The majority of these sets end at Pitching Wedge, so choose a Sand Wedge to buy also.  Which Sand Wedge you choose is entirely up to you.  I’ve honestly hit about six different Sand Wedges on actual courses, and there wasn’t a considerable difference in performance.  The one thing that my friends and I have noticed is that it’s easier to hit a cavity back wedge further with a full swing.  If you would like to really simplify things for yourself in the beginning.  You might consider buying a specialty Sand Wedge like the Cleveland Smart sole, or Calloway Sure Out Wedge.  You could also head over to the Putter section of the store and take some time to select a Putter.  I would strongly suggest against purchasing a Putter at this time though.  Your first few months of practice should be spent at the Range or in a Simulator where Putters aren’t necessary.

What about Fairway Woods, and a Driver you ask?  Forget about those for now as well.  The swing required to hit them properly is different than your Iron swing.  Learning both swings at the same time will only confuse things, and slow down your progress.

With a lower budget you can essentially begin your Golf set the same way.  What you will do differently is once you’ve decided which set is your favourite.  First check the clearance section of your local store for previous generations of that model.  If they aren’t available then you can definitely find them online.  That’s exactly what I did.  After testing a few Super Game Improvement, and Game Improvement sets.  I decided that the Adams Blue was the set for me.  At that time my local retailer was selling the Hybrid/Irons set with Graphite shafts for $899.00. I found an earlier version of the set with the same characteristics online.  They were on sale at a store in Ottawa for $199.00.  The set included a 3Hybrid, 4Hybrid, 5Hybrid, 6Hybrid, 7Iron, 8Iron, 9Iron, Pitching Wedge, and Gap Wedge.  This set was originally released in 2013.  Two years previous to the Adams Blues.  It didn’t come with a Sand Wedge so I eventually added a Cleveland Rotex 588 2.0 cavity back.  I also went through 3 Putters in my first year because I didn’t know what was required in actually picking the right one.  I’ll go over proper Putter selection in my next entry.

My first set

During my quest to select the right clubs I’ve tested so many.  If any of you have any questions about particular clubs just ask.  Also if you have recently made your first club selections.  Please feel free to share why you chose the clubs.

Beginner’s guide to Golf



Developing a swing – Beginner’s guide to Golf

First swings

(if you haven’t read the previous Starting from Scratch posts, I strongly suggest that you do)

When you first begin developing a swing.  It helps if you know someone who already has a set of clubs that you can borrow at the range.  Fortunately for me I did.  At this point the absolute worst thing that you could do is go out, and buy a random set of clubs.  Chances are that you will select a set that isn’t right for you at all.

While you are at the range, practice swinging with a 7 or 8 Iron.  Whichever feels more comfortable for you.  Why a 7 or 8 Iron instead of something that hits the ball much further you ask?  Because it’s far easier to make contact with shorter length clubs.  Plus the lofts look far more natural to the eye than Wedges.  In my experience the 7 or 8 irons are the best clubs to practice with when developing a swing.

Something I should mention right now.  Any recommendations I make are based on personal experience.  Additionally I further qualify my findings with friends who utilize the same methods.  There are 4 of us who have all taken up golfing within the last 3 years.  The hints, and instructions I pass along to you have worked for all of us.

Your first few times out to the range, you should only be using whichever Iron you selected as your practice Iron.  Keep working on your swing until you are able to make decent contact at least 75% of the time.  Once you feel confident swinging that club.  Make your way over to your local Golf equipment store that has a simulator.  Most of them do these days.  Ask to try a bunch of Irons in the size you selected.  Make sure to inform the Sales Associate that you are new to Golf, and would only like to test Game Improvement Irons.  Now this is key, don’t rush anything!  Take your time, and don’t feel pressured to purchase anything at this time.  I’ve been in simulators for over an hour testing clubs, and the Sales Associate didn’t even bother me.  Most of these places offer commissions on equipment Sales, so it’s in an Associate’s best interest to let you figure out what works for you.  Swing each club many times, and pay close attention to how it feels throughout the swing.  How does it look to you at address?  Does it produce a favourable ball flight?  Don’t worry too much about the distance at this time.  A repeatable flight path, with a consistent launch angle is far more important.  Make note of your top 3 performers, and call it a day.

You have now completed the first step to assembling your first set of clubs.  Actually your first partial set to be exact.  Where your set begins has a lot to do with your budget.  Keep in mind though that spending more in the beginning is usually a mistake.  Truth be told some of the more expensive golf sets won’t improve your game.  In fact they will do the opposite.  I recently watched a brand new Player testing Irons.  When I say brand new, I mean he routinely sliced his 7 Iron with an average carry of 60 yards brand new.  This guy was practically pulling his hair out in frustration trying to hit some shiney new Taylormade P750 tour Irons.  That’s like a first time Driver being given a Lamborghini to drive to work.  It just doesn’t make any sense at all.  Golf is one of the few things in this world where the more expensive product won’t automatically be better.  Choosing the right equipment, and in this case Beginner equipment will make the game far more enjoyable, and easier to learn.

Beginner’s guide to Golf



Casual or Obsessive – Beginner’s guide to Golf

Is Golf even for you?

(if you haven’t read the previous Starting from Scratch posts, I strongly suggest that you do)

As much as how so many of us love it.  Golf just isn’t for everyone.  It requires time, money, patience, and practice.  Plenty and plenty of practice.  How much practice actually depends on which type of golfer you intend to be.

There are three types of Golfers.  The first is the Casual golfer.  Someone who occasionally goes out to the range with friends, and attempts to hit their Driver a little bit further than last time.  They play a round of golf with friends, or attend the company golf tournament just a few times a year.  They could really care less about their score, and as a result have no clue what their handicap is.  Every round begins in eager anticipation of the 19th hole.  If that adequately describes you then lucky you.  I wish that was me to be honest.  It would make things so much easier.  To maintain that level of readiness doesn’t require a lot of practice.  Of course a few trips to the range, and maybe a lesson or two until you’ve developed a basic swing is necessary in the beginning.  After that though just one or two range sessions per month is all that’s required.

The second type of golfer is the serious golfer.  The amount of dedication required to maintain this level of readiness is significantly increased.  Now your score actually matters, and obviously that iincludes your handicap.  You value consistency over distance.  While the casual golfer probably loves their Driver most.  The serious golfer is most likely enamoured with their Putter or Wedges.  It isn’t enough to be good.  You strive to become better.  To actually accomplish your goals you will need to practice 3 or 4 times a month, and play at least once each month.  You will probably need a group of like minded friends.  Together you’re able to judge each other’s progress.  When I started playing golf I thought that this was the type of player I would be.

 I was totally mistaken!

The third type of golfer is the competitive golfer.  Maybe obsessive golfer would be a more appropriate name.  Took me about nine months before I realized that I was one.  To be fair I’m obsessive about most things, but life has taught me to set realistic goals.  I got into golf with the goal of hitting the ball relatively straight so that eventually I would be able to play bogey golf.  In my estimation an 18 handicap would qualify me as a serious golfer.  Well, my current golf routine includes 1 range session per week, 1 round of golf per week, at least 100 putts per week on my practice mat, 1 hour of chipping and putting practice at a course facility, and I’ve added a stretching routine designed to increase my body rotation.  I’d probably do more except my time management, and physical limitations prevent me from doing so.  I’ve been maintaining this practice routine for 4 months now.  Before that the Canadian weather prevented me from getting out on a course.  I did get in as much practice as I could on simulators though.

Last season was my first full season playing golf.  I began the season practicing 2 or 3 times a month with the odd round thrown in.  I ended the season practicing every week.  Golf has a way of doing that.  It tends to increase your interest over time.  So be sure to consider that when you decide if golf is for you.

That’s some serious ball abuse!

Beginner’s guide to Golf