GAMING Uncategorized

Cellphone Gaming – The Gamer in me GL-23

It might surprise you to know…

… that some of the most popular games people play are on their cellphones.  That’s right, move over Microsoft, sorry about your luck Sony, and not so fast Nintendo.  The masses are downloading the newest game on Android or iOS right now.  Convenience over quality is where the market seems to be going.  Instead of playing photorealistic games like Gran Turismo, or The Division.  People are getting hooked on simplistic games like Candy Crush, or Stack Jump.

What’s fueling the change?

I’m sure there are a number of factors, but what I believe has the greatest influence on the switch to cellular games are the devices themselves.  Sure they’ve improved, but its not like their processing power rivals a PS4, or Xbox one.  It’s our increasing reliance upon being constantly connected to each and every person we know that’s pushed the consoles to the wayside.  While playing a game on your cellphone you can still receive all the relevant notifications of each and every application you’ve downloaded.  Most games can be easily paused, or automatically pause for you when a call, text, Facebook message, or recent Post alert comes in.  It’s our need to know right now that prevents us from choosing to do anything that takes our attention away from our cellphones for any considerable length of time.  Most video games require a significant time investment.  Some even require you wear a headset to stay in contact with other players during multiplayer gameplay.  I wonder how many Destiny raids were ruined because something started trending on Twitter, or somebody just got tagged in something on Instagram.  Before anyone chooses to sit down on the couch and start up their game system.  They have to consciously decide to close themselves off from their cellular world to do so.  I’m willing to bet if you banned the average gamer from using their cellphone for a weekend.  They would play their console game system at least twice as much that weekend.  Honestly they would probably be happier for it.  Cellphone Games can be fun, but are they nearly as satisfying as Console Games?

Hell to the no!

Lets not kid ourselves here.  For almost any Gamer, defeating a high level boss, taking your virtual franchise to the Championship, or beating all of your friends in a classic fight sim is far more satisfying than crushing some candy.

Do yourself a favour and disconnect from your cellular world every now and then.  Fire up that overpowered console, and load up your favourite game.  Keep playing until your thumbs are raw from it.  Trust me when I tell you that you will be grinning from ear to ear when you are done.

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)
