
Subscribe to Cobe Life on YouTube – Beginner’s guide to Golf

The first of many instructional video series

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Whether you are about to purchase your first set, or your fifth set of clubs.  Spending a little extra time to make sure you get the correct set for your ability will make your next trip out to the course far more satisfying.

For total Beginners our ranking of Forgiveness – Cost – Distance – Spin is perfect for you when considering which clubs to buy.

For high handicappers I’d rank the four categories Forgiveness – Distance – Cost – Spin.

For mid handicappers I’d rank the four categories Spin – Distance – Cost – Forgiveness.

For low handicappers I’d rank the four categories Distance – Spin – Cost – Forgiveness.

High handicapper – 20+ handicap

Mid handicapper – 10 to 20 handicap

Low handicapper – 9 or lower

Everything counts

Just because one of the categories has to be last, doesn’t make it unimportant.  If you are having a difficult time as a High handicapper deciding between two Drivers that you hit equally well.  Just choose the one that’s least expensive.  If they are the same price?  Pay attention to the Spin statistics.  If one is more consistent then go with that.  The same rules apply for all the clubs you eventually purchase.  No matter what your handicap if you purchase what’s statistically best your game will improve.

Beginner’s guide to Golf

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What do you think?

By Cobe

I have traveled to so many places, and seen so many things. It only made me realize that I've truly seen so little. My life has been a constant quest to experience anything new. Try anything once should be written on my T-shirt. I have a lot of passions, so I don't remain idle for very long. Somebody get the fire going. I've got stories to tell.

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