
Ongoing Review Format – Beginner’s Guide to Golf

Beginner’s Guide to Golf

Ongoing Review Format : learn what products will actually do for your game.

Something my Subscribers can look forward to in 2018 is ongoing reviews of featured products. Instead of spending a few hours in a Simulator or at the Range testing a new product. I will select a few key products that I believe can potentially benefit a High handicapper or total Beginner and conduct an ongoing review all year. I will have a weekly update Post here on my Blog, and a weekly Video with all or some of the featured products on my YouTube Channel Cobe Life.

This Ongoing Review format will allow me to provide you with my first impressions, product performance, learning curve, real world usefulness, durability issues, and final recommendations. I will keep detailed on course statistics that are generated during actual Rounds of Golf. Unlike most reviews that might specifically drop balls at specific distances on a course to evaluate swings with a specific club. The Ongoing Review format will allow me the freedom to assess a club’s effectiveness in the actual moment it’s required with real consequences on the line. What good is a high spinning Wedge if you find it difficult to hit squarely out of a tight lie? Situations like that are impossible to replicate in a Simulator, or even at a practice facility. What I’m hoping to be able to actually provide you with is the knowledge of what products you should feel confident with. When you need to make that one shot. How will the products that I’ve selected benefit you in that moment? Will it take a few trips to the Range or Practice area to get comfortable, or can almost anyone of any skill level feel confident after an hour of practice? That’s something I would have liked to have known before buying my first 3 Wood. As much as I always suggest that you test swing any clubs that you are considering purchasing. What a Simulator may show you after a few swings isn’t necessarily a fair representation of what you are actually capable of. If you had a few days to get familiar with the weight and balance of a new Driver for instance. It may surprise you how much better you can hit it. Quite often Beginner’s buy what is most similar to what they already have. Although this generally reduces the learning curve. It can also prevent them from progressing. My Ongoing Review format will hopefully demonstrate that some products if given the right amount of practice to master their uses can have an even greater affect on your Golf game.

Products I will be conducting Ongoing Reviews of include:
GPS Rangefinder
3 Wood
Two types of Balls (Distance and Spin)

If there is a particular product that you are interested in seeing me provide an Ongoing Review for please let me know in the comments. Keep in mind that the products I eventually choose will be geared towards Beginners. I’m not going to be selecting Player’s Blades, or Pro V1 Balls.

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)






Potential Sponsors

I would like to encourage interested equipment manufacturers that would like to see some of their products featured in the Cobe Life Ongoing Reviews to contact me through my Contact Us page.  As much as I would enjoy testing any of your new equipment releases.  The Ongoing Reviews are strictly for products in the Game Improvement category.

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Ongoing Review Format
User Review
5 (3 votes)

By Cobe

I have traveled to so many places, and seen so many things. It only made me realize that I've truly seen so little. My life has been a constant quest to experience anything new. Try anything once should be written on my T-shirt. I have a lot of passions, so I don't remain idle for very long. Somebody get the fire going. I've got stories to tell.