It’s sooo tempting to play what’s new!
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During the holidays there’s ample opportunity to play any number of games. If you are a dedicated gamer like me then you probably received a couple new games as gifts. Your friends were off from school or work so it was the perfect time to go online and coordinate some Destiny boss runs, or get together for a Board game night. You probably played more games over the last couple of weeks than you had the last couple of months before. Now that you have been sufficiently spoiled you can’t help but want to keep playing. You probably have a new favourite. Like the next Season of your favourite show on Netflix you can’t wait to binge play it. Of course what happens when you quickly finish that current Season on Netflix? You suffer a form of withdrawal when it’s over. Nothing else you watch seems worthy. Well even though games don’t suddenly end. Playing too much of a favourite game can quickly render it unplayable. I don’t care how much you love a particular game. If you don’t give it a rest every once in a while you’ll quickly tire of it.
Like it or not it pays to switch genres
Different types of games require different skills. Games can excite our imagination, fuel our competitive nature, challenge our intellect, and at times totally surprise us. Of course most of all they’re entertaining. Most of us excell at one or two particular types of games. Focus on only the ones that you are best at, and you limit how entertaining games can be. I’m not a big fan of First Person Shooters, but there have been a few that I actually loved when I tried them. Some people wouldn’t even consider playing a Racing simulation style game. Then you sit them down, and have them try out your gaming steering wheel, and they become hooked. I’ve known people who dismissed Board games as a child’s distraction. Then I talked them into playing a game of Roborally after a few beers, and they couldn’t stop playing until they finally passed out. It might surprise you what games will surprise and entertain you. So as much as you love the new game you got on Christmas. Don’t keep playing it until you hate it. Play something totally different every now and then. Even if it doesn’t totally thrill you. It will make going back to your favourite game that much more satisfying.
Don’t bully your buddies
Just because you are still available after Christmas doesn’t mean that your friends are. For many this time of year is getting into their slow time at work. The big sales are coming to an end. The winter weather shuts down a lot of the outdoor activities and industry. Even the Real estate, and home improvement markets slow down. If this is a slow time for you? It won’t be long before you are going stir crazy wishing you had a few more friends to game with. Don’t message all of your gaming friends like a pyramid scheme direct marketer. Your Best shot of getting a few friends together to play some games is to just let everyone know that you are available. Trust me, just because they might be busy most of the time doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in blowing off a little steam by having a games night. When they have a free night, they’ll be happy to know that at least you are definitely available. As long as you make a habit of showing up when invited. You will probably receive enough invitations to to keep your gaming addiction under control.
As much as I hate winter, so do a lot of other people. Staying indoors is the perfect excuse to try a few new games so get gaming!