
Golf & Travel show Giveaway!!!

Got to Play to Win!

This contest is open to all North American Subscribers. All you have to do is complete the three steps to enter.  This contest is totally free!

Step 1 – If you haven’t already Subscribe to this blog.  Use the Subscription field provided below.

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)


Step 2 – Subscribe to Cobe Life on YouTube. Use the link provided below.

Step 3 – Follow cobesports on Instagram.  Use the link provided below.

It’s as easy as that! If any of the links aren’t working from your device?  Copy and Paste the links into your browser.

Gain additional entrys by introducing yourself to me at the Toronto Golf and Travel show this weekend and saying “I’m a fan of Cobe Life Golf”. I’ll be easy to spot. Just look for the guy in Orange pants!  Contest will close February 28th, and the draws will be held on March 1rst.

Thank you for becoming a member of the Cobe Life crew.  Good luck!

FISHING Uncategorized

The one that got away – The Right Angle RA-19

Promises Promises

(Cobe Life has recently switched to a new Subscription service.  I strongly advise current Subscribers to resubmit their follow request)


I’m sure some of you are expecting a recap of what my first Ice Fishing experience was like.  Well sorry to disappoint you but that hasn’t happened yet.  There has been a number of reasons as to why I haven’t made my way out on to the ice yet.  I’m not afraid to admit that the greatest of which is my resistance to spending quality time freezing my ass off on a frozen lake.  Does that make me a little bit less of a Canadian?  If it does, so be it.  IdI rather be a poor excuse for a Canadian than frozen on a lake to prove a point.  Don’t completely give up on me yet though.  My resistance to participate in anything that requires a Parka isn’t the only reason.  I’ve had health issues to deal with this winter.  I had a business opportunity related to my website that was too good to pass up.  Finding someone else interested in going Ice Fishing is actually more difficult than I expected it to be.  Keep in mind I expected it to be tres difficult!  It’s down right next to impossible.  There aren’t too many people that live in Toronto that think hanging out in a hut on a frozen lake in the middle of winter is an entertaining idea.

My intentions are good

As unappealing as Ice Fishing sounds to me.  I have a very strong suspicion that it would make for some great material.  Could there be better video content of me totally unimpressed, and pissed off with a situation I have no way out of?  What if I actually enjoy it?  I know that’s highly unlikely, but I’m not completely dismissing the possibility.  That could actually make for better material.  I’m willing to bet that one Ice Fishing trip would equal a two part, or maybe even three part Blog series.  No other fishing trip has provided that.  So if you think I’m looking for ways to avoid doing this, you’re wrong.  I really do want to try Ice Fishing. My intentions are good.  I just haven’t had the opportunity present itself.

It’s not all bad news

On a lighter note, the temperature outside has been slowly, but steadily increasing.  It’s already beginning to feel like Spring is on itsi way.  My window for Ice Fishing is closing, but so what.  With Spring comes easy access to rivers, and a lot more fishing for me.  That also means a lot more The Right Angle posts for you.  I already have a couple of Fishing trips planned so you will have some original content to look forward to.  That also means that I’ll be taking some fantastic pictures as well.  I can’t wait.  Hopefully neither can you.